Wednesday 30 October 2013

Top Ten Mountains

1.Mount Everest

Everest is the highest top on Earth, with a crest at 8,848 meters or 29,029 feet above ocean level, and from the core of the Earth it comes fifth in hight. It is placed in the Himalayas Mahalangur. The international border between China and Nepal through a particular point of the summit. The neighboring peaks are; Lhotse, 8516 meters (27940 feet), Nuptse 7855 m (25771 feet) and Everest Base Camp, 7580 m (24870 feet).

2. K2 (Mount Godwin Austen)

K2 comes second in height on Earth. It is spotted on the border between Baltistan, in the northern part of Pakistan and the Taxkorgan Tajik County of Xinjiana in China. K2 is the most focusing top, 8611 meters (28,251 feet), on the Karakoram mountain range and in Pakistan.
Owing to the compelling challenge of the rising and the second most elevated passing rate around the eight-thousands it is reputed to be the Savage Mountain. One has perished from each four individuals who have arrived at the summit. It is more risky to arrive at K2 from the Chinese side; therefore, it is basically moved from the Pakistan side. K2 has never been moved in winter.

3. Kangchenjunga

Kanchenjunga is the third most high mountain. It ascents to a tallness of 8586 meters ( 28169 feet) in parts of the Himalayas called Kanchenjunga Himal. On the west Tamur River and on east Teesta river are found. Kanchenjunga is on the border between Nepal and the Sikkim-an Indian state.
Topographical Survey of India shows that it is the highest crest in India. It's known as the five treasures of Snow after the five most tops, and the people of Darjeeling and Sikkim count it worshipful.
Two out of five are in Taplejung District, Nepal. The remaining three crests are found on the northern border of Sikkim and Nepal. In Nepal, Kanchenjunga Main is the highest after Mount Everest.

4. Lhotse:

Lhotse is the fourth most elevated mountain on Earth and is joined with Everest by means of the South Col. Lhotse implies "South Peak" in the Tibetan dialect. Notwithstanding the main summit of 8,516 meters (27,940 feet) above ocean level, Lhotse Middle (East) is 8,414 m (27,605 ft) and Lhotse Shar is 8383 meters (27,503 feet). It lies on the border between Tibet (China) and the Khumbu area of Nepal.

5. Makalu:

Makalu is the fifth top mountain on the planet at 8481 meters (27825 feet) between Nepal and China. It is spotted 19 km (12 miles) south-east of Mount Everest. Makalu looks like four-sided pyramid.
Kangchungtse or Makalu Ii (7678 m) is placed around the range of 3 km (2 miles) north-northwest of the main summit of Makalu. There is  increase in the vicinity of 5 km (3.1 miles) north-northeast of the main crest in the wide level, and joined with Kangchungtse through a thin saddle 7,200 m Chomo Lonzo.

6. Cho Oyu:

Cho Oyu is the top sixthth mountain at 8201 meters (26,906 feet) above ocean level. In Tibetan Cho Oyu means "Turquoise Goddess". It is the major top of Khumbu, in the west, subsection of the Himalaya Mahalangur.  It is on the edge of Tibet and Nepal, notably 20 km west of Mount Everest.

7. Dhaulagiri:

Dhaulagiri I is stacked up seventh 8167 meters ( 26795 feet).
Dhaulagiri massif in Nepal grows 120 km from west stream Kaligandaki Bheri. It is encased on the south- east Miagdi Khola and the north and south- west of the tributaries of the Bheri.

8. Manaslu:

The eighth topped mountain is Manaslu, and is found in the Mansiri Himal, in the Nepalese Himalayas ( the west-focal part of Nepal). It is 8,156 metres (26,759 ft) above mean ocean level and the highest top in the Lamjung District and is found around the range of forty miles east of Annapurna.
 Its name originates from the Sanskrit word Manasa(means soul), which implies "Mountain of the Spirit". It has been a Japanese mountain always.

9. Nanga Parbat: 

Nanga Parbat the ninth highest peak is the western anchor of the Himalayas around which skirts the Indus River before streaming into the fields of Pakistan. Spotted in Gilgit - Baltistan area of India.
It is also one of the eight -thousanders 8,126 meters ( 26,660 feet). Nanga Parbat is an exceptionally troublesome climb and an enormous, sensational top climbing high above the encompassing territory. During the twentieth century it was named as “Killer mountain ". Just like K2 it has never climbed in winter.

10. Annapurna :

Annapurna I is the tenth around the earth and also in eight-thousanders. It is an area of the Himalayas in the north-focal Nepal that incorporates 8,091m (26,545 f). Annapurna I   includes 13 more crests over 7,000 m and 16 other at 6,000 m. This segment is a strong 55 km long limited by the Kali Gandaki in the west. The Pokhara valley in the south and the Marshyangdi River in north and east.

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