Thursday 31 October 2013

Ten Relics Belongs to Muhammed Pak Sallallahu Alyhay Wasalam

    1.  A Holy Turban.

Mola Pak Sallahu alyhay wasalam wore it on his head. It is saved  in Istanbul's Topkapi Palace, in a section known as Hirkai Serif Odasi (Chamber of the Holy Mantle).

   2. A Holy Shirt

Muhammed Pak sallallahu alyhay wasalam wore very simple dress. His Holy Shirt was made of simple cotton cloth.

  3.   A Holy Footwear

This Kind of Footwear was suitable as per the environment of Hijaz, those days. The Soles of “Nalayn Pak” were made by stitching together a few layers of tanned leather. Along with two straps passed between the toes and more straps that cross the foot and ankle.

  4.  A Holy Hair

It was hair of Muhammed Pak’s beard. Saved in  Istanbul's Topkapi Palace.

  5. A Sword

He waged many wars with this sword, but it is an astonishing truth that he never killed anyone with it. He used it just to save Himself and His companions.

     6. A Letter 

A letter written by Muhammed Pak Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam to the Muqawqis a ruler of Egypt is saved in Topkapi Museum, Istanbul.

  7. Birth Place of Muhammed Pak PBUH

A library was built by Saudi government around the birth place of Muhammed Pak Sallallahu alyhay wasalam.

Interior view of Library 

8. A Staff  & Cloths

9.A gem of Ring

Ali bin Abi Taalib Radiyallahu 'Anhu says:
 "Rasulullah  Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam wore his ring in the right hand".
In the picture the gem of that ring shown. The ring of Rasulullah SAW was ,made of silver and the gem stone was from Abyssinia.

10. Tooth & Hair

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